Monday, February 26, 2018

Hearing aids and the hearing healthcare journey

Good hearing healthcare entails more than just receiving a hearing aid. A comprehensive hearing healthcare journey has three major components:
1. Diagnosis, to find out why conversations are becoming difficult.
2. Hearing aids, to amplify sounds so you can hear them.
3. Listening therapy, to exercise and develop your skills so you can interpret those new sounds that you can now hear.
EARS train the brain


  1. Three major components which you have mentioned here could be really informative and interesting to know. Thanks a lot for the sharing. Hearing aid centre | speech therapy

  2. Great!! Nice post. Thank you so much for your valuable post and keep doing this. All are benefit in Hearing aid price in Chennai.


clEAR auditory brain training is now even more accessible to people with hearing loss!

Read about the new model in The Hearing Review!