Thursday, March 14, 2019

Help make auditory training available to every one who has hearing loss

Please help! clEAR (customized learning: Exercises for Aural Rehabilitation) has applied for a FedEx small business grant so we can grow our company and make quality auditory training available to more people with hearing loss. Please log on to the site below and vote for us, and do so as many days as you can between now and April 1. THANK YOU! hashtag

Friday, January 11, 2019

What George Martin, the "fifth Beatle", had to say about hearing loss

I recently watched a wonderful documentary about George Martin called “Produced by George Martin” and was surprised by how much of the film was devoted to hearing loss and the psychological pain that it can cause. The most successful music producer of all time, as defined by the sheer quantity of Number One Billboard hits, the man who produced the likes of the Beatles, Jeff Beck, Sting, and Elton John, at the end of a long and eventful career, this man of immense accomplishment chose to focus much of his autobio-documentary on living with hearing loss, which speaks to its profound impact on daily life. Here’s some of what he had to say: “Every time you talk to someone, especially at a cocktail party, you are doing mental calculation, rather like filling in a crossword puzzle….as quickly as you can so as not to be stupid…if you can’t join in the conversation, of everyone going around, you get isolated, you become invisible, they talk past you.” If you have hearing loss, stay visible and help yourself focus on your successes and not your losses by using appropriate amplification and by engaging in clEAR auditory brain training. clEAR: EARs train the brain hashtaghearing loss hashtagauditory training hashtagBeatles

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Manage your hearing loss: Auditory training may be for you

Give yourself the gift of easier hearing this holiday season.  Watch this and learn what people with hearing loss have to say about how clEAR auditory brain training has helped them in their everyday lives.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Motivation for hearing healthcare if you are older and have a hearing loss

If you know an older person who has hearing loss but lacks motivation to seek treatment, you will be interested to learn about a study just out from Johns Hopkins University (N. A. Reed et al., 2018), which presents powerful factoids that you can share to motivate this person to seek treatment. In a study spanning 10 years, the researchers found the following to be true of older adults with untreated hearing loss, as compared to peers with normal hearing: • They incurred 46% higher healthcare costs ($22,434 per person over the ten years) • They were 50% more likely to have a hospital stay and 44% more likely to be readmitted within 30 days • They were 17% more likely to visit an emergency room • They were 40% more likely to have depression Although it is unclear how much improvement would have occurred had this group received hearing healthcare treatment, the authors suggest that because conversations are difficult for them, they might be less likely to pursue medical care and less likely to experience successful conversations with their doctors when they do. clEAR auditory brain training: An important component of hearing healthcare for adults of every age hashtaghealthcare hashtaghearingaids hashtagauditorytraining hashtaghearingloss
EARs Train the Brain

Friday, November 16, 2018

How to Become Better at Reading Lips: Speechreading Tip #2

As promised, I'm posting speechreading tips, starting last week and for the next few weeks. Here's speechreading tip number 2:

2.  Make ambient lighting work for you and not against you. For example, if you are sitting at an outdoor coffee shop, choose a chair at the table where you are not looking into the morning sun. Direct sunlight in your eyes will compromise your speechreading performance. Moreover, the sunlight streaming around your partner’s head will cast shadows on the person’s face and further hamper your speechreading. At restaurants, sit by a window in the day and near a light source in the evening. (continues) If you have a hearing loss and like to eat out at restaurants.

EARS train the brain:  clear auditory brain training

clEAR auditory brain training is now even more accessible to people with hearing loss!

Read about the new model in The Hearing Review!